Sanja Licina is here to discuss with us all of the wonderful things that we can help you to master your customer experience. Her goal in life is to help make people happier. Most of us spend so much of our lives working and there is still a tremendous opportunity to help people feel better connected to their companies, to their colleagues and to feel passionate to make a difference with their work.
So, she’s dedicated her career to helping companies create a culture that employees love to be part of. She has been fortunate to travel to over 60 countries and lives on three continents. And through this journey meets the most amazing, inspirational and passionate people. Collaborating this incredibly diverse group has given her even more confidence that together she can make a difference. Those who know her are aware of her deep passion for data and technology, which will be a key to helping all of us transform the world of work.
- Could you share with us a little bit about how you got to where you are today?
- Could you share with our listeners what is QuestionPro? And how does that really dove tail or fit into the whole customer experience puzzle? How does your company help customer experience?
- QuestionPro focuses a lot on market research. Could you share with us if your target is predominantly large companies, or let’s say for example, someone has an organisation with 20 employees, but they have a pretty large customer base, would your company be able to provide services for them as well? what are some key indicators or trends that you have noticed since you’re already in this space, what do you think companies need to be focusing on in order to ensure that they’re really tapping into the needs of their customers?
- Could you share with our listeners, how do you stay motivated every day? What makes you keep going?
- Could you also share with our listeners, what’s the one online resource, tool, website or app that you absolutely can’t live without in your business?
- Could you share a book that has had the biggest impact on you, it could be a book that you read a very long time ago or even one that you read recently.
- Could you share with us what’s the one thing that’s going on in your life right now that you’re really excited about, either something you’re working on to develop yourself or your people?
- Where is the best place that listeners can find you online?
- Now, before we wrap our episodes up, we always like to ask our guests, do you have a quote or saying that during times of adversity or challenge, you’ll tend to revert to this quote, it kind of helps to get you back on track if for any reason you get derailed or just get you back on track with what you’re working on. Do you have a quote like that?
Sanja’s Journey
Me: Even though we read your bio that basically gives us a summary of what you do. But we love to hear from our guests in their own words, a little bit about how they got to where they are today.
Sanja stated that as mentioned, she’s had a privilege of living on three different continents. And she’s actually talking with Yanique right now out of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia, and spend about half of her life in the United States. And so, for her, she’s had this incredible pleasure of interacting with so many different people in her life path both personally and professionally.
And so, her profession is Organizational Psychologist and she actually currently is president of a business unit called the Workforce at a company called QuestionPro. And they also have a customer experience business unit. So, in her life, she feels like she’s had, again, this personal/professional intersection where she had a pleasure working for an organization that’s not only helping people feel seen and valued at work, but also has this tremendous focus on customer experience. Because we’re all the same thing, we don’t look at the person and say, “Okay, you’re an employee now. But five minutes later, you’re a customer only. And then maybe you’re going to be an employee, again.” We really of course, are all of these things.
And additionally, no kids and parents and spouses and a million other things. So, she looks at that life experience, and she just have this huge passion for helping people be seen, and really helping organizations, whether it’s from customer experience, or employee experience, understand the why behind people’s behaviours and people’s needs. Because when we understand that is really when we have this tremendous opportunity to provide people with better cultures, with better services, with better products, platforms, etc. So, she could go on and on, but she’ll turn the mic back over.
What is QuestionPro? ….How Does Your Company Help Customer Experience?
Me: I mentioned in your bio, as well, as you mentioned just now in giving us a little overview of who you are, that you are attached to an organization call QuestionPro. So, could you share with our listeners what is Question Pro? And how does that really dove tail or fit into the whole customer experience puzzle? How does your company help customer experience?
Sanja shared that she’s had this incredible pleasure of actually about 15 years ago, being a customer of QuestionPro and using their survey technology to better connect with people who were looking for jobs, looking for different opportunities in the organization. And today, she sits on the other side, because again, her experience was so positive, as a customer that she thought she’d love an opportunity to actually join and help QuestionPro have an even wider reach and work with more organizations.
And so, when it comes to customer experience again, QuestionPro has multiple different divisions, and they’re also really big in market research. So, they have access to over 40 million people worldwide to really be able to understand consumer behaviours, employee behaviours, purchasing whatever it is that an organization or research institution is looking to solve.
They have both the technology, the expertise, and helping them craft those questions, as well as the audience to really help them solve those challenges. And then they also have the CX and EX business units, they really work seamlessly together. CX in particular, working with organizations again, to understand how do they best connect with people that they’re doing business with?
How do they reach them in the point that they can get the best information around their perception of who they are as an organization, their satisfaction, and how do they interact. And then, of course, the EX part where it fills that loop because there’s so much research where they see that how satisfied you are in your job, how connected you feel to the company’s mission and vision that has a huge impact and how you interact with customers.
So, they’ve really at QuestionPro look for these multiple ways to understand the world around us that as we know, is just changing faster than it ever has before. And we have every reason to believe that that’s just going to exponentially accelerate, and be able to give this holistic vision of what that customer experience is, not only in a way that person interacts with a product or a platform or a brand, but really understand, again, from all of these different angles as an organization, what can their clients do better and differently to really give their customers a better experience.
So, it’s all very much research based, data driven and they really pride themselves on creating these very empathetic conversations. She was mentioning earlier the why, they want every person to feel seen, to feel heard, that when that conversation is happening, they really truly believe that the organization on the other end cares about them as an individual, not only about the consumer of their product. And she thinks the more data they have, and the more holistic understanding they have of that, the better off they’ll be as a society and the better off each one of their clients will be.
Does Your Company Target Predominantly Large Companies? What Companies Need to Focus on in Order to Ensure That They Tap into the Needs of Their Customers?
Me: So, QuestionPro focuses a lot on market research. Could you share with us if your target is predominantly large companies, or let’s say for example, someone has an organization with 20 employees, but they have a pretty large customer base, would your company be able to provide services for them as well? That’s part A of my question.
And then Part B. In terms of market research, what are some key indicators or trends that you have noticed since you’re already in this space, what do you think companies need to be focusing on in order to ensure that they’re really tapping into the needs of their customers? Because sometimes a company offers something to a customer, but I think they’re doing it for your own benefit and not necessarily what the customer actually wants or needs.
Sanja stated that they are both great questions from a standpoint of what kind of organizations they work with, they actually span a very, very wide, wide range. They even have, of course, they work with larger companies. However, they even have programmes where they have free platforms, free programmes for entrepreneurs, because they believe that really stand apart experience does not only sit with the largest organizations, it’s everyone that wants to really bring a unique idea to the world, to the marketplace.
They all are looking to have conversations with those individuals that they’re looking to serve. And the better educated, the better targeted conversation you can have, the more quickly you can iterate on your product and on the way that you interact with your consumers to really make sure that what you’re bringing out there is relevant, it’s timely, and that you’re adjusting it based on the market needs. So, when it comes to the part A of your question, when it comes to organizations, they really work whether you have 20 employees or whether you have 200,000 employees, they work with those organizations.
Now, when it comes to trends, she mentioned she an Organizational Psychologist. So, research is at the heart of everything she does. Data is what drives her decisions. And she’s been an Organizational Psychologist for quite a while, so she’s seen during her studies, they mostly relied on survey data to really inform their research, understand what’s going on. Since then, there’s been an explosion of behavioral kind of data, there’s just a lot more information available for organizations to make a decision, which is absolutely phenomenal. What a what an incredible luxury for us to have.
However, one of the things that she noticed a few years back is a lot of people, very boldly saying, “Well, now that we have all this behavioral data, who needs surveys anymore?”
And she just thought this was even way before she worked at QuestionPro. She just grabbed her heart, and she thought, but what do you mean, these are to her, she calls it empathy at scale. It’s these conversations we can have with people at scale to understand what they need, to understand how they feel, to have them feel seen and heard.
Behavioral data, again, is phenomenal and she would never discount it, but when you see how a person is acting, and oftentimes she’ll compare that to a personal relationship.
So, for example, if her husband comes home, and he’s behaving a certain way, if she’s in a good relationship, would she not ask him what’s going on? And she sees this behavioral data, he must have had a bad day at work, well, maybe it was his family, maybe he’s not feeling well, there could be all of these different reasons.
And so, a big part of the reason why she loves what they do is they provide organizations a platform to have this conversation, to have it in a very humane way. And a lot of the trends that we’re seeing, and we’re also trying to influence.
She remembers again, back in the day, 20 plus years ago, when she was getting her PhD, a lot of times surveys, she guess, for lack of a better word, were very surgical, you would ask somebody based on your experience, how would you rate this on a scale of one to five, but there’s so much more humanity that can be entered into that if you are interacting with any kind of product or platform, you’re doing it for a reason.
And so, that organization has an opportunity to ask you, “Hey, we know what are you looking to accomplish for this, when you chose us, what was that reason? What are maybe some of your goals that you’re looking to accomplish today?” So, maybe somebody is buying a piece of makeup, and we assume that it’s for something aesthetic for themselves, but maybe it was for a family member, maybe it was in a moment that they’re working on self-improvement, there is so much that can be understood when you think of a person that you’re interacting with, as a human, as somebody, all of us, no matter how good of relationships we have, when you sit across, she will call a table even though it’s a virtual table, virtual survey, and you feel like somebody’s asking you questions where they truly care about you, you’ll never want to miss that conversation.
And for the organizations on the other side, the amount of insights that you will get not only about necessarily a specific interaction that somebody had with one person in a store, but to open up that opportunity to have a conversation with someone and we’re seeing so many changes in the market, we’re seeing changes in people’s behaviour.
For example, she bought a piece of makeup recently, and she ordered it online. And she did so because this never happened in her life, but she lost her entire makeup bag travelling back from New York. Exactly. She was pretty calm about and she said, okay, let her think about different pieces that she needed. And she ordered something online because her schedule is chaotic and balancing her work and her four-year-old and her family and many different things.
And she could have walked to the store, but she just didn’t have a chance to. And so, she ordered something online, and unfortunately, they sent her the wrong thing. It happens, not big of a deal, we’ll figure it out. She went to the store, they said she needed a code to change it. Okay, it was a little sad, it’s going to be just difficult. She came back and they gave her an email to write to and she wrote and somebody very nice wrote back and said, “Well, we’re so sorry, we made a mistake. Okay, well, here’s the shipping label, if you could print it out and go to the shipping store.” And she said, “I’m really sorry, that’s not going to work for me. I ordered this because I just don’t have the time. And now you’re asking me to go to one place print a label, go to another place and mail this, wait for it to come back home.”
And they came back, and they said, “Okay, we’ll make an exception.” But in some ways that was a missed opportunity for a conversation if they can know the location where she’s in, so it’s that behavioural data, they see that she ordered something, the solution that they provided out of the goodness of their heart didn’t make sense to her. But if they took that opportunity to just ask a few questions and say, “Hey, we’re looking to solve your challenge. Can you just help us understand what was the main reason you ordered online?” They probably could have given her much quicker, a better solution, without her being frustrated.
So again, it’s every time thinking about that individual that put trust in a brand that choose, we have so many options for everything these days. And it’s so much easier to choose than it was ever before because so many things are online, so much advertising is online, so you’re aware, not only are there more options, but she thinks we’re aware of more options than we ever were before. To ask those like, what was the reason for something, to get to know a person a little bit better, you can start to build out that persona, and at a scale, have a better understanding of people in one to one how you have that conversation and how you collect the information will tremendously help build that relationship. You can probably tell she’s very passionate about what she does, because she probably just talked for about 10 minutes straight, but she hopes it’s at least a little bit helpful.
Me: Of course, definitely. Everything you said was just so valuable just now, it is really paying attention and being mindful and asking the right questions. And I say all the time that companies collect so much information from us from time to time, depending on the product or service that you’re engaging with. And I don’t find that they’re really using that data to the best, to the fullest capacity. Sometimes they even ask questions to answers that they have already. And that just goes to show that they’re not paying attention to the data that they’re collecting. So, it’s good for you to put it in perspective like that and give us an example. Because then it really brings it home, because it’s not just about saying that I took information, but what did I actually do with it? And if I was asking the right questions, based on what was happening to you with the makeup situation, you would have probably gotten a way better solution and definitely one that you would have been pleased with.
How Sanja Stays Motivated?
When asked about how she stays motivated, Sanja shared that she is by nature a very positive person, a very optimistic person, a happy person. But she says even given that, she has her moments where she’s just tired or cranky, so we’re all human. It’s not easy to ride that high all the time. But to her, there are a couple of things. She thinks that first if we keep in mind that there are all of those like different cartoons about careers and staying motivated, and the path to success and this ladder. And there’s one where you see a really, really long ladder, and you feel like, “Oh, I’m never going to get there.”But then you look back and you see how much you’ve accomplished.
So, there’s actually a book that she’s halfway through now. It’s called The Gap and The Game: The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success and it was written by two gentlemen, Dan Sullivan, and was with Dr. Benjamin Hardy. It’s a book about focusing on the things that you have accomplished more than the things that you have not accomplished yet. And it really resonated with her to the point that she was actually at the hairdresser on Saturday. And she was starting to get tears in her eyes because of the stories that they were sharing, she thought, ah, if more people can think this way, if more people can really take a step back and understand especially this happens not in the moments of celebration, right in the moments of celebration, and when something really great happens, you don’t need to stay motivated, that celebration in itself might be enough.
But in the moments when you just tried something, and it didn’t work. And we say ah, failure is so critical to success. But it’s tough when it happens, and we need to talk ourselves into a better space and that’s human. But one of the things that she really loved about this book, is this reflection on taking the time and looking back at what you have accomplished in the last month, in the last year, in the last 10 years. And she thinks if we do that more as people, if we do that more systematically, each individual person will realize how much they have to celebrate, and it doesn’t mean that we should not be motivated by goals, of course, that’s still important.
But more often than not, when we’re achieving those goals, we’re going to have missteps, we’re going to make bets on things that we’re going to be sure are going to help us and realize they didn’t. And it’s in those moments to take a step back and say, “Okay, but what did I do? How much of a difference have I made? How many people have I maybe helped along the way? And how much have they helped myself along the way?” Sanja thinks that is absolutely tremendously powerful.
And she was actually talking with a colleague of hers, and he asked her, “Oh, but Sanja, like, do you feel like you can do that all the time?” And she said, “Of course not, that’s why I’m reading this book.” She’s still very much a work in progress, all of us are. But finding, seeking out these ways to really help ourselves, especially during the moments that are challenging, and she mentioned before that she does believe the world around us is changing so quickly. And what’s sometimes hard about that is that things that we experimented with before are things that we’ve had success with before. A lot of times, the circumstances around us have changed so much that if we repeat the exact same thing, we will not get that success. So, it’s not just about this mastery of oh, I have experience, I’m older and wiser. But wait a minute, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years passed, since tried the strategy, the world around me is very different. I can try it again but if it doesn’t succeed, I still need to have that passion and energy to try again.
So, she thinks really so much of it is about the mindset. But also people understanding that if something does happen that’s not as successful as expected it to be, to give themselves some time to feel that frustration, almost like the 5-10 minutes or however long it takes of mourning, look back, reflect and then go ahead again. That’s really where her mind is these days. And again, she’s enjoyed this book tremendously and the mindset that it helps people develop. So, she would say that would be one of the ways that she stays motivated.
App, Website or Tool that Sanja Absolutely Can’t Live Without in Her Business
When asked about online resources that she cannot live without her in business, Sanja shared that she was thinking about that question. And she thought as she looked at her thought phone, she thought, she has so many apps on her phone, and she has so many ways of communication. And as they were saying earlier in their conversation, she’s lived in so many continents, and she has people that she loves and even more continents than where she’s lived. So, to stay up on news and research and everything, it requires quite a few. But she would say the one publication that she really enjoys is Harvard Business Review, she thinks for her line of work, it’s really powerful, the articles are very well thought out.
It rolls into the application that she may be use the most and that’s probably LinkedIn, nobody’s going to sit in their chair and be like, “Wow, I’ve never heard of that. Well, let me write it down.” But in to her, she really likes it because it summarizes a lot of her professional interests.
Of course, a lot of times LinkedIn is as good as the people you’re connected with, and people that you follow. So, she tries to make a very conscious effort that if she reads books from authors that she enjoys, if they happen to be on LinkedIn, she either follows them or connect with them. She does the same for the publications that she enjoys, whether it’s again, Harvard Business Review, or The Economist or any other ones.
And then it’s also interesting, because she has to admit that unlike a lot of other maybe social media platforms, you tend to connect with more like-minded individuals, so that’s something to be careful about. She tries to proactively connect with people or follow people who maybe have different experiences than her, maybe slightly different beliefs than her because it’s one place where she feels like she can get more of, she guess in her professional life more so than personal life exposed to different ideas, although more people are sharing things personally on LinkedIn, which she really enjoys. And it’s one place that she can pop into every once in a while, and it increases her awareness of maybe again, books that she should read or interesting articles or different viewpoints or, to your point, what’s going on around the world, what are organizations doing, what are people researching.
And she also loves that it gives her a platform to share some of what she knows back. So, she probably consumes information from LinkedIn a lot more than she shares, but she tries to hold herself accountable. They do a lot of research at QuestionPro and that’s one of the things. Again, she enjoys most even though really a big focus on her personal job is employee experience and working with organizations on that, she’s doing a lot of market research herself.
And when she finds information that she feels like she hasn’t really come across this before, she thinks for somebody that’s in a similar practice as she is would find this valuable, it also gives her a platform in a way to have a conversation. So, she’s not just consuming the news and consuming the information, but she can also try to add value to those that she’s connected with as well. And that makes her feel really good.
And of course, some things she shares, she’s sure some people find a lot of value and other things maybe a little less. But she loves that feeling that she can actually contribute to the society as much as she’s taking back out of it. So again, she doesn’t think anybody’s writing this down as an application they’ve never heard of, they do. And she’s been very conscious about how she uses it. And she has found a lot of value when she has limited time. And she can’t go to all the many applications that she has, she feels like to her, especially professionally, but even personally, it adds a lot of value.
Books that Have Had the Biggest Impact on Sanja
Me: When we asked you how you stayed motivated, you did share one book with us. So, since you gave us one already, maybe you can give us one more book that you believe has had the biggest impact on you, it could be a book you read a very long time ago or even one that you read recently.
When asked about books that have had the biggest impact, Sanja shared that she has a whole list next to her, but she’ll summarize it. And if you look at a lot of the books she has today are on Kindle, because it’s not as easy to find books in English in Argentina, and she’s a faster reader in it. So, she has professional books, she has her what they call, quote unquote, somewhat guilty pleasures, but a lot of times they’re really beautiful novels. And then they have kid development books. Today she’ll share the professional ones, for the audience will be maybe the most relevant.
The one that’s still somewhat recent, but she just absolutely loves, in line with our conversation is Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant. The reason she says that is because there’s so many people with such strong beliefs and she thinks on the one hand, it’s beautiful. And she thinks on the other hand, the more effectively we can open up our mind to other people’s ideas, and understand where they’re coming from, the better we’re going to be as individuals. And in many ways, one of the areas she’s really passionate about and she focus on is diversity and inclusion.
And the best way that we can really connect with others, feel compassionate, feel empathetic, understand where they’re coming from, is to take the time to understand their perspective, take the time to understand where they’re coming from, to her, personally, it is so incredibly fulfilling as a human. But she thinks as a humanity, the more effectively we can do that and the more effectively we can tell people why it’s valuable to them, that it’s not that somebody is going to talk with you to try to convince you that you’re wrong. But if somebody wants to talk with you to give you an even better perspective, to give you even more knowledge, to give you a different view, it doesn’t mean that you need to change your opinion. But that pretty much without fail, you’re going to be a better person because of it. She thinks not only professionally, but as a humanity, the more effectively we can do that we’ll be in such a better place.
So, it is a relatively recent book. And it’s again, one of those concepts that when you hear and maybe it’s not like, “Well, Sanja, that’s really earth shattering!” But she thinks how we do it, how we approach it, and she catches herself still right? Like she catches herself being so strong in some of her beliefs and she’s realized over her lifetime, that there were times that she was quick to judge someone, and there were times that she would have been a better friend, a better partner, a better leader, if she would have just taken time to listen.
She’s gotten to the point that she’s trying to very consciously be much more open minded in everything she does, sometimes she needs to be proactive about it, it still doesn’t always come as naturally as she would like to, she thinks that’s most things in life that we care about, we have to work on. But it’s also how you approach it and how often you catch yourself that even if you believe, quote unquote, you’re a certain kind of person to do some self-reflection and say, “Am I really being that person consistently? Am I really showing up for the people that I’m around, really being open minded, really rethinking my stances, from very maybe large societal things to maybe even some small things and how we run our CX and EX programmes.”So, she will just mention that one from her list. There are many more, but she thinks that was probably a good one.
What Sanja is Really Excited About Now!
When asked about something that’s going on that she’s really excited about, Sanja stated what a phenomenal question. Sanja shared that she runs a business and a lot, of course, how successful her business is comes down to revenue and comes down to the number of clients they have, and so, many times that’s in North, but a lot of what she’s reading about, and she’s passionate about professionally and personally is how to impact those around her. And so, there are different ways that she’s experimenting in being a leader first. And of course, a parent and a spouse and everything in her personal life for those people that are what she would call, for lack of better word, her first-degree connections, and comes of almost importance.
When they reflect back 5 years from now, 10 years from now, she wants them to think of her as a person that had a positive influence on them. One of the things that she’s experimenting with, because she gets asked a lot about herself, she gets asked a lot about her career, her passions, and a lot of her life was not conventional. And a lot of the decisions that she’s made could be surprising to people around why would she make it at that stage of my life? If she made that decision, how did she still end up where she is today? How does she maintain that happiness?
And so, something that she’s thinking about actually have a podcast as well, where they reach a wider audience, and they talk about work related issues and life related issues. And so, one of the things she’s thinking about is, how much does she want to scale out that impact? Doesn’t make sense to have a broader audience? Does it make sense to try to reach more people and motivate them? Or is it not even motivate them, but make them feel confident, make them feel excited about taking risks, make them feel excited about what’s possible that they maybe thought they could never accomplish. But really, truly they can. And that’s one, it’s a little high level, but she’s just thinking about it from the sense of what’s the best way to reach people in a very personal way? And like, we’re saying things are changing, is it in the form of writing a book? Is it a form of continuing a show? Is it a form of videos, but her aspiration is, if any little thing that she says can actually leave people with a better feeling about themselves, she would love to be able to do that at larger scale.
And so, she’s just going through the process of thinking, what is that best path now? So, she will keep us posted, she doesn’t have all the answers yet. It’s a little bit of an experimentation time, but that’s something that she’s been reflecting on recently. And she’s feeling more and more passionate about, so she thinks that’ll be somewhat of her next big project.
Where Can We Find Sanja Online
LinkedIn – Sanja Licina
Twitter – @SanjaLicina
Quote or Saying that During Times of Adversity Sanja Uses
When asked about a quote or saying that she tends to revert to in times of adversity or challenge, Sanja shared you won’t be surprised based on the books that she was just mentioning. And some of what keeps her motivated, it changes over time and it changes based on what she’s experiencing at the moment. Right now, one that really resonated with her and again, this is personal and professional is, “Be thankful for you are now and keep fighting for where you want to be tomorrow.”
Me: Oh, very nice. Very simple. Very nice. I’m a big gratitude buff so it’s nice to hear that the quote is actually has some level of gratitude in. I have a gratitude app that I write stuff in daily and I actually have a gratitude journal and a gratitude jar. So gratitude is something I practice consistently, I think it really helps. I think as human beings, we complain a lot about what we don’t have and what we want, we’re not satisfied with where we are. But if we do take time, I think to be grateful and thankful for where we are and what we do have, I believe that more will abound onto us naturally.
Sanja agreed, absolutely. I love that. And she loves that, that’s one of her aspirations, like where you’re mentioning, like journaling and writing that down…I’m very much a work in progress when it comes to that, she doesn’t do it consistently. But she knows that there’s tremendous value there.
And she thinks to Yanique’s point, there are so many things happening around us that we can find ourselves saying, “I’m not good enough, I’m not doing this enough, I don’t have enough money.” There’s so many not enough’s that it just an every single person, no matter where they are in their journey, have so many things that they can be grateful for, even during times of real hardship, when she thinks finding that is even more important and even much more challenging than during the days that the things are going well.
She thinks the more we can instill that in ourselves, the easier it’s going to be and to her, she catches herself every day she needs to move forward, every day she needs to accomplish something, while a day is 24 hours, it is not a whole lot of time to really do something significant. And so, she thinks if we can continue to reflect back, while we continue to build, it’s going to give us in those moments, like we were saying where it’s like, ah, I feel like maybe I’m falling short, giving us that energy to really fight through whatever adversity we have, or whatever challenges, it’s just going to be that much more powerful.
So, she loves that Yanique does that very, very proactively and very intentionally. And she hopes that for people who are listening that inspires some more of them to do that as well, because she knows it’s so incredibly valuable.
Me: Yeah, it is amazing. Thank you so much, Sanja. We just want to say thank you so much for taking time out of your very busy schedule, for hopping on this podcast with us today. And sharing all of these great gems and nuggets that I know our listeners are going to scoop up once they get the opportunity to listen to it first-hand. I know for sure I totally enjoyed this conversation and I just wanted to express my immense gratitude to you for sharing all these wonderful nuggets with us.
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- The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
- Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant
The ABC’s of a Fantastic Customer Experience
Do you want to pivot your online customer experience and build loyalty – get a copy of “The ABC’s of a Fantastic Customer Experience.”
The ABC’s of a Fantastic Customer Experience provides 26 easy to follow steps and techniques that helps your business to achieve success and build brand loyalty.
This Guide to Limitless, Happy and Loyal Customers will help you to strengthen your service delivery, enhance your knowledge and appreciation of the customer experience and provide tips and practical strategies that you can start implementing immediately!
This book will develop your customer service skills and sharpen your attention to detail when serving others.
Master your customer experience and develop those knock your socks off techniques that will lead to lifetime customers. Your customers will only want to work with your business and it will be your brand differentiator. It will lead to recruiters to seek you out by providing practical examples on how to deliver a winning customer service experience!
BIG RYG Customer Success Leadership Summit Hosted by ChurnZero
RYG Customer Success Leadership Summit
October 12-13, 2022
Washington DC
