Episode 100 : “The Must-Have Sales Strategies for the New-Normal” with Richard Moore

Richard Moore originally worked 60 hour weeks in the city of London before deciding to build his own businesses and help others do the same. After building companies from the trenches up by taking ownership of sales teams, coaching leadership roles and consulting with multi hundred million pound organizations, Richard created his own company to help others get massive traction as they launched their businesses.

As he did this, Richard invested in many of the companies he helped to create and shared with the world his views on business through the weekly live Q&A’s he runs online, to speaking gigs in front of business owners in his space and his weekly blog. Richard also created products such as the Monetize You Course, the Basics of Sales course and direct mentoring of established businesses using his 16+ years of experience in the space.


  • Could you maybe just share with us just a little bit about how it is that your journey went? Maybe talk about one or two experiences that you had that has brought you to where you are today, where you are king of sales on LinkedIn.
  • Let’s say you’re not accustomed to selling in a digital space and this is something that you’re going to have to take on now, what kind of mindset shift you need to have in place to ensure that you are successful at selling in a digital space?
  • And so, what are your thoughts as a sales person getting to know your clients before you actually interface with them, like doing your research?
  • Could you give us one or two virtual selling strategies that maybe that were not used as much before, or even if a new one, maybe through innovation or new design, people are actually selling differently in a virtual space?
  • Could you share with us what’s one online resource, tool, website, or app that you absolutely can’t live without in your business?
  • Could you share with us maybe one or two books that have had the biggest impact on you?
  • What’s the one thing that’s going on in your life right now that you are really excited about – either something that you’re working on to develop yourself or your people?
  • Where can listeners find you online?
  • During times of adversity or challenge, do you have a quote or a saying that you’ll tend to revert to this quote or this saying to kind of carry you through, keep your focus, kind of just get you back on that track to achieve whatever it is that you’re working on?


Richard’s Journey

Richard shared that there’s only been a couple of particularly interesting moments that have made him the person he is or taken him in the direction he has been given. And it’s interesting because he thinks the person who set him on the particular rails to be this kind of person was his mother to start with. And she was very much the person who drove himself, his two sisters, to be as best as they could at whatever they did. And she very, very much was behind them as a motivator and he really appreciated that.

It’s interesting, when he went to university and both his degrees are in history and kind of the first real big pivot point into the world. When he was 21, 22, he wanted to stay on and do his Ph.D. and basically become an academic, write books, become a lecturer. And it’s interesting because coaching and teaching was always there in a way.

But basically, he didn’t get funding for the Ph.D. so he had to get a job because he couldn’t get any more bank loans. So, he had to go and get a job. And his mother said, “You’re not going to come home.”And she didn’t say in a nice way, but was really good, “So, you’re not coming home, you’re going to fend for yourself now, come on. So you’re out of University, go and find a way.”

So, he slept on his sister’s sofa the two weeks and he went for a job interview and he took literally that first job, which was cold calling and selling internet marketing back in 2002. So it’s like 17 ½ years now. So was a very difficult time selling internet marketing because people were like, “Are you serious?”Back then people were spending lots of money in print ads, in magazines, they weren’t really doing so much of what we see today. So this is pre Facebook, this is pre LinkedIn, this is pre a lot of stuff and so it was very new and he’s thrilled he started there.

And his mom, if she drove one thing into him was that you really can’t quit because it’s hard. And so that was really good, he learnt that from her. They never had any money, she couldn’t drive, she was a single mom with three children and she never complained. She just focused on making it happen and so he’s really pleased, he’s very lucky in a way that he has that from her.

And so, he learned very early on that if you just cold call managing directors and CEO’s and try and sell them stuff, they don’t really like it much. So, you have to learn a way to be a bit more elegant about it. And so, by having the phone put down on me a lot, he started to learn like the basics that he really needed to be half decent at it. But then if you jump ahead a good 10 years or so of corporate work in the city, ultimately he was at a headhunting company, as their sales director, and he really had a kind of tough moment like this was 2012 or so on.

The really big pivot point for him was that he was doing well at his job, it wasn’t like he was kind of he’d had enough or anything like that, he was doing very well. But he had a very bad year. His grandmother who he was very close to passed away, his first daughter was born and was born without an oesophagus, so she went straight to surgery. She spent the whole of her first year almost dying a lot and having loads of surgery and that’s 3 months after she was born. So he was commuting to London from the hospital. His mother then died, she’d had 2 years of cancer. So, it’s been a tremendously difficult time. And when you have that kind of adversity, you end up going through it and you just have to.

But it was the following year where he really kind of imploded because it kind of hits you when you’ve gone through it. So, a huge amount of difficult times and he had very understanding boss, he was a family man as well, he understood that he had a lot on his plate. But basically, he hit this point and his wonderful wife said, “You know what you need to do? You need to understand you don’t have to work in this kind of job. There’s one thing you can do is sell, which means, you know you’re going to be all right. Go and start something else.”

And so, he started his own business and so many people were like, “It’s irresponsible, you have a child and a wife not working, what are you doing?” And he was like, “But I’ve got this. I know there’s one thing I can do is at least make money.” And he started two taekwondo academies actually, but he also did a bit of consulting as well, just something different. And since then, honestly, it’s been his therapy, growing the business from there and helping others grow theirs.

And then, 2 ½ years ago, LinkedIn has really jump forward in terms of being a serious player for doing business online. And he’s really, really enjoying not just what he does, but who he is now. It’s been an interesting route, always around, like driving yourself in the right way, coaching and teaching. But it’s been really interesting milestones that have pushed him in particular directions. And as you probably experience from other guests, when you have those moments of adversity, perversely, really great things can come of them eventually.

Me: I totally agree. So, Richard, you shared a lot about your experience on adversity and some of the challenges that have clearly made you stronger, has propelled you to achieve great things, things that a lot of people around you would have not seen the potential, they are trying to be very practical, think they’re giving you good advice, but they’re actually not giving you good advice.

And we’re in a time now globally where we have to be doing a lot of things differently. And, of course, there’s a new coined term, the new normal. What kind of mindset shift do business owners, I think at the end of the day; we’re all sellers, regardless of what role you play in your organization, because at some point you have to be operating in a selling role.

What Kind of Mindset Shift to Selling Should We Be Embracing

Richard stated that this is such a good question. And he did learn back in 2008 in the recession then. They’re very lucky that they have a CEO who he remembered addressed all of them. And it was very much when he started learning about the right kind of mindset, he said, 

“The majority of businesses now will go into scarcity. They’re going to hibernate, they’ll tighten their belts, they will freeze everything. This is the time when you push yourself.” 

Richard Moore

Recession is a time when you grow more because that’s when you can land grab when you really need to push yourself.

And he said, “So, for many, there is no substitution for volume.” And what that means is there’s no substitution for just grind. And it’s still funny because there’s a lot of people who haven’t been through a hard recession that was a big one. Arguably, we’re about to hit an even bigger one. And what’s interesting is that you get some people saying, “Oh, man, it’s really tough out there.” It’s like, yes, it’s meant to be. This will be the biggest recession since 1930. So it’ll be hard.

And if you ask about mindset, what matters is that you understand that you have to have huge empathy for what the person you want to speak to and work with is going through right now, and everyone is equipped to be able to do that. So we all are able, if we dare to stop for a minute, think what would someone else be thinking about right now? They’re probably thinking to themselves, “I’m worried because I don’t know if my business can survive. And in addition to that, I don’t want to probably spend too much; I need to make sure I’m making the right decisions.”

So, there’s a bit of fear in terms of executing on buying things. So if we are in a selling kind of role, or we need to appeal to people to buy our thing, we need to be way more aware that people need to absolutely feel they’re going to get great returns. So waffling on about how our product works and things like that is far less effective than sharing the top wins for someone. He may have mentioned in the previous time they spoke, but the four top wins are that you help them look good, so you improve their visibility, help their ego, whatever variation that you want, you help them make money, you saved them money or, and, or the other one is that you save them time or giving them convenience, such as, you are the outsourced solution to a problem.

Some or one of those particular wins is so essential to convey because that’s what they really need to know, “Am I going to say time? Am I going to need to hold this person’s hand? Has Richard got this? When I give him the money, is he going to do what he needs to do? And so I can crack on knowing that that particular problem is solved.” So that’s one key part of it. But when you also need to be really clear on is that in 2020, we’re all tremendously used to being sold to. No one likes to be sold to that’s never changed, but the way you sell should never come across as desperate of course. But the way you sell now has to be in tune with the way in which people want to be approached, sending someone a direct message on LinkedIn thinking you’re giving them in inverted commas “great value” because you invite them to your webinar because you know it’s free.

And they want that, is missing the point completely. No one has time; they’re not interested unless they warmed up enough. And you have to spend more time with people showing that you’re trustworthy and authentic rather than just trying to gain them. So unless you’re doing very high volume sales, in which case you probably should be thinking about automation through adverts and so on, you really should be working manually.

Now is the time to appreciate that there’s great automation tools out there, but understand that what buyers want, if they’re going to buy, is this feeling that they’re being looked after more than ever before. So, building true relationships where there’s a real level of genuine curiosity in them and an interest in building a relationship first is something that we all know would work, but so many companies don’t want to do it because it feels like it’s taking too long.

But the truth is, it is a shorter term way to make more money for your business and get more satisfied customers because even though each transaction takes a bit longer, you’re not getting the phone slammed down on you, the door slammed in your face or people not even responding to the direct messages, take your time, engage with people on a human level first because people buy people is this cliché. But really, it goes deeper, it’s people buy people they want to buy from, or people buy people that they like or who are like them.

So you need to show that you are open and approachable, you need to show that you resonate with them, and that you care enough to want to hear them out. That’s what makes someone want to buy from you, not how good your proposition is and that is where everyone can sell, because we are all capable of that kind of empathy. This isn’t about manipulative sales tricks that you would learn from a book, those days are passed because we all see right through it. And if you wouldn’t respond to a message or a phone call like that, then why on earth would someone else, that’s much more about feel and it’s about being really human and we all do it so well in real life with friends and meeting new people. And that’s just what we have to do in the sales space as well.

Me: I like that. So, basically you’re saying you have to take time to get to know people. And you mentioned that at the end of the day, yes, it might take longer. The sales cycle might take longer, but in the long term it will actually save you because now, you actually have a client who is more likely to be loyal, which will definitely impact your customer experience and your customer lifetime cycle.

Richard also stated that he can speak in authority on this because he did it for years. You will be more fulfilled too, because it’s far better to speak with 8 or 10 people across a couple of weeks and get closed deals in a fulfilling way for both sides where they don’t feel pressure, but actually wants to buy as opposed to smashing your way through hundreds of phone calls and possibly get a similar number of sales, but ones that don’t feel great. They feel like a number, now is the time for real organic process because nothing beats having a happy customer that lasts, it’s no good getting a deal if they’re then going to leave because they didn’t feel like they were loved or looked after. You want someone pumping their fist in the air, thanking you that you’re selling them something and that genuinely comes from you looking at the relationship first and the product that you’re selling them as purely a device through which they can consume you more.

Me: Brilliant. So Richard, I was having a conversation with a client recently and one of the things that we’re talking about is actually doing research on your customers, just to get an idea of who they are, what they’re about, what they like, what kind of associations they’re attached to, what are their preferences, that way when you go in as a sales person, whether you’re the business owner, you’re the sales rep or you’re the marketing person, you have a better understanding of the individual with whom you’re speaking to. Is it that they’re a family person? Is it that they have kids? Is it that they have a sick child or they have a parent who they’re taking care of.

How You Should Approach Selling

Richard shared that it’s a great question. Firstly, the short answer is yes, you should. And the reason why is because most people selling can’t be bothered because there’s volume. There are so many people you could contact. There’s this feeling of this everlasting front of leads, so you might as well just keep going who cares if it doesn’t work, you will find a yes eventually, actually is far more fulfilling, but far more effective to say, well, “If all of this information is public and online anyway, why wouldn’t I make use of it?” But more importantly, you’re going to get some feel like you actually have paid attention and that you’re interested in, it’s back to this thing of you just get people feeling like your well-meaning and that you care.

And there’s a saying he has always had which is, “You shouldn’t just research the company, you should research the person.” Because what you’re really showing is that you understanding them on a deeper level and that will affect what how you interact with people and so on. And if you look at the sales, he tends to make that with people who have found him online, that maybe looked at some of the content and so on. And so, he can see what they’re about and he can have a sense of who they were. There’s a call he did just before this, which was the sales call and the guy he knew has spent time around the content he has, Richard is aware of what he does. So when they go into the call, it’s already warmed up any kind of awkwardness or trying to understand who the person is, is gone.

They can really get on with it as though they’re already kind of friends or connected. And he really thinks that short circuits the scary bit or the awkward bit and you have a really fulfilling relationship. But one thing you can do is obviously researching the person helps you show that you have spent time showing an interest in them. And that allows the barriers to go down a bit, but you can actually go a step further.

And if you researched where there might be a mutual connection. So for instance, if he was approaching you and you didn’t know each other at all, but you had a mutual connection, then that would actually lubricate the whole process so well because by proxy you kind of know each other. And an example he uses a lot of is if you and him sat next to each other at a wedding, then the first thing they’d say, of course is, “So how do you know the bride or groom?” And you’d say, “Oh, I work with the bride.” and he’d be like, “Oh, cool. I went to university with them. Or I know them, they live on our street” or something. You would get on like a house on fire because you have the commonality even though you know nothing about each other.

So, when he was selling in corporate, he was always looking, where’s that point of connection. And in fact, Yanique and Richard connected through their mutual friend, Paul Brunson. So there’s the perfect example, “Hey Richard, I know you’re connected to Paul.” and it’s like, “Well, I think Paul’s a good guy. So if you are friends with him too, then it means that you must be good enough.” Because he’s validated for you for him. So that’s so powerful because that’s essentially saying we’re all part of the same tribe in a way. And it hacks away so quickly at any kind of fears or anxieties people have and you end up with often a cold prospect being quite welcoming.

Me: Excellent. So, research is important, but to take it a step further, if you could find one person that you are maybe connected through, it kind of breaks that down, that initial interaction down.

Richard agreed but verify as well, because as you can imagine, when you look at like LinkedIn or Facebook, there’ll be 500 mutual connections and you will have a lot of connections these days. So, it’s a case of saying, well, let me look at perhaps some of your content and who’s showing up a couple of times and are you speaking to them? It looks like you’re close enough or have you done a collaboration with them like that, that’s a better way of verifying it. Because not every connection is of course, someone  that they might not even remember they’re connected to.

Me: And it goes back into research as well because you have to take time to sit down and kind of scroll through their posts, look who is commenting and look at the responses that they’re giving to each person. Because somebody posts that I look at on LinkedIn, I see people comment, you can tell the comments that the person actually sat down and gave intentional thought to responding to that particular person versus a copy and paste kind of comment where all of the comments that are on the post, they’re responding in the same way to each person’s comment and it’s not specific to an individual. So then, in your mind, you’re like, do they really know this person? Or are they just responding in a general way? It doesn’t seem very personalized.

Richard shared that the truth is if you’ve got a community, if you’ve got a bunch of friends, you may well be commenting really great posts, purely because you’ve got no time, but you’re just showing, you know what, “I’m here for you and I’m supporting you as a friend.” But when you would both know that normally you would write more. It’s the people who write paragraphs just to be validated you’re doing great content, but also who are like, “Hey, I’m going to stop and show up properly here.”

And he’s finding this is valuable and never before is there such a wonderful lead generation opportunity as when you get people stopping by or even sticking around and like getting into orbit around you over time because they love the content you produce and sharing like really spending time, you are their Netflix in a way and that is really powerful.

And it’s a very done well, good content that’s related to the ecosystem within which your proposition sits is really powerful at attracting people who find it fascinating and they warm themselves up just by virtue of the fact that they’re checking out. But if you can stimulate proper conversation through content as an example, it’s a wonderful way to kind of really accelerate that first part of a relationship.

Me: So, as it relates to virtual selling strategies, so if you are face to face, some of the selling strategies that you would probably use would include, I imagine probably taking your prospect out for lunch or maybe visiting, if they’re having a promotion or a campaign at their organization, you would support it.

Virtual Selling Strategies Richard Recommends to be used in the “New Normal”

Richard shared that there’s quite a few new, interesting tools. One thing that you can definitely take from the offline world is that people actually aren’t necessarily interested in the pitch at the start; they’re interested in if you’re a good guy or a good woman. And if you’re fun to hang out with and there’s longer play, but he feels a really good tool is just to hang out with their content and if you do that enough, then they start to convert, like be an interesting person, have some banter and good jokes in that. And it’s very practical to be social because that warms people up, it also shows the network effect, it shows people online, a wider network, “Hey, there’s this person who seems quite good fun” that’s very attractive because humans revere someone who’s confident and social, so something to think about.

There’s also some really great tools right now, one of his favourites at the moment is on LinkedIn is a reasonably recent feature, which is polls. And a lot of people would like just doing, what do you prefer? Chips or bacon or something like that, which is silly, it’s just to drive engagement. But we really can do is ask questions where the voting options relate to the problems that you can solve for people. So, if someone’s says, like putting their hand up and saying, “Yeah, I have a problem with this particular issue.”

What you’ve got there is someone stepping forward and saying, I have a problem here. And the nice thing about the polls is completely anonymous except to the author of the poll itself. So, it allows you to go in and say, I’ve got 350 people who have voted, 207 have voted on this particular option that directly relates to what I help them with and now because they came, they stepped forward, they basically have validated or this sense of you being able to engage with them and ask something.

And so, because you’ve earned the right to speak to them purely because they’ve voted on your poll, you can simply send a message and say, “Hey, Yanique, thank you so much for voting in the poll.” If there’s a second connection, he’d add, how are you and take it from there or their first connection, or after a couple of messages with the second connection, he would then add, “Thank you so much for voting in the poll. Why do you think you’re finding that particular thing, such a challenge?”

And he does that to all of these people, why would he do that to cold people who’ve never heard of him when he can get people to step forward in a nice little simple way and say, I actually have this problem because now you’ve got context, now you’re completely within your rights to say, “Why is this a problem for you?” And getting them to open up because why would they not want to answer that when they’ve just said on your very post that they have an issue and the conversion’s crazy off that, it’s a really wonderful organic way of doing it.

And most people are like, “Yeah, absolutely. I have this problem. And we’re talking about it because I just put my hand up and said I have an issue.” So for him, that’s a huge win, it’s a massive thing people can be doing. And you just got to think to yourself, what’s going to get people to not have to think too hard and simply like, say, “Oh, that’s an easy poll, just click on the one, that’s the answer.” And it’s simplicity. Just keep it simple question and simple answers and they will want to show up and answer it. And his wonderful way of starting a sales process he has found.

App, Website or Tool that Richard Absolutely Can’t Live Without in His Business

When asked about an online resource that he cannot live without in his business, Richard shared that this is going to make him feel really old or sound really old and he’s not, it just works so well. It’s actually Google Drive. You would think he would probably say some kind of high tech app or something. Sure he has used Trello and Zapier and things like that are really cool and Zapier is amazing for automation. And he would add before he goes into drive and why he uses it.

But he would add something like Stripe is amazing too, it’s as good as a tool to kind of put all of your customers and invoicing that’s a piece of cake from it. But Google Drive is brilliant because it’s got a team and anyone around the world, at any given time can log in and see what’s going on. They can all access stuff together. His clients can access their own folder; see the content they’re building with them. They can edit and add to it and it’s the transparency is amazing and he really, really liked that.

But what he will add to this because the question is about apps and things like that, or things that might help with productivity perhaps, don’t ever discount the value of a really reliable person. So, like, a VA or someone who’s assisting you, they are like Gold. So, if you can find someone who is reliable, so shout out to Mona who works on his newsletter every week. She’s a phenomenal person who is there every day when he needs her and that in itself; she in itself is way more productive than any app could be.

Books That Have Had the Greatest Impact on Richard

When asked about books that have had the biggest impact, Richard stated that that’s a great question. Everyone’s going to expect him to say business books now he suppose. And he’s going to say three, actually. So if everyone wants a reading list of absolute must reads one by a guy called Mark McCormack who founded IMGs like a sports agency who looked after like Jack Nicholas, the golfer, and people like that. He wrote a book called What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School: Notes from a Street-smart Executive, he loves this book. He (Mark) actually went to Harvard, but he was a superstar in business. And what he’s showing in this book is all the soft stuff. So what shaking a hand really should look like? What it’s meant when someone’s got no time, how to close the deal, or what are the nuances of communication really meaning? all that soft stuff is absolutely amazing in that book, he really loves it.

Another one by Douglas Atkin is The Culting of Brands: Turn Your Customers into True Believers. This guy’s a genius. What he’s done is, it’s like science and research, behind cults. It’s funny because his intro’s like, “Hear me out here, just give me a chance.” And he’s like, it’s the science and the practical and mechanics about around cults and branding side by side. So, what he’s done is work very hard to remove all of the negative connotations and biases around cults and look at why, because for right or for wrong, they are able to attract a lot of people. And the myth is that cults, for instance, are about a bunch of losers getting together. It’s quite the opposite. You have to have socially, very bright people doing certain things very well in order to get kind of the ball rolling and arguably the root of the success of the major religions out there is in these practical ways in which they kind of started as something of a cult, then ended up being these great worldwide religions, but he applies it then to how you build your brand and your tribe.

And it’s phenomenal, very relevant books. He’d really recommend that as well. He can definitely go on all night. He would say the closest person to his philosophy on selling or like neurological selling and understanding with empathy, how people would buy is Oren Klaff. So, he’s just released a new book called Flip The Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea is Their Idea, but he’s original one called Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal is amazing on understanding the dynamics between buyers and sellers. Really great stuff. The audible is awesome.

The most important book anyone should read is not a business book. It’s by a stoic philosopher called Seneca, he dip into it at least once a month; it’s been his favourite book for 6 or 7 years now. His book called On the Shortness of Life: Life Is Long if You Know How to Use It (Penguin Great Ideas). So Seneca wrote thousands of years ago, and it is tiny, it’s like this little pamphlet, it’s 90 pages or something. And what it does in such a short space of time, honestly, you put it down after a few pages going like, “Wow, it’s blowing my mind.” That book, single handedly really gave him this sense of perspective on time and what we really don’t have and about being intentional and meaningful with it. And you got to understand, he read that a few years after his mother died at 60. So she was just about to hit retirement.

She worked so hard and then it was taken from her. So when you combine that, like the tragedy of her first granddaughter, first granddaughter by his sister just being born, his just being born as well and that was all gone. It really reinforces it, but just not in that book, it doesn’t talk about it in like a misty eyed, emotional sense. It’s really hard hitting about how people view their time. And interestingly against how they view their money, people hoard their money, they are that tight with their money as though there’s a finite amount and you can always go and get more, but they’re very liberal with their time. And in the words of Seneca as though they’re immortal and just talking about it now, it gets him pumped.

Especially as a father now, he has two children. He turns 40 in 10 weeks time. So, that’s in October, but that’s another milestone, it really drives home, do great things, make the most of it and, you know, but make sure you’re intentional with every moment as well, including being spontaneous, being intentional about wanting to do that as well. So, he couldn’t recommend it more as you’ve probably sensed.

Me: I love spontaneity. I think life is very short. We’re here for a very short space of time, the people that we connect with, I don’t think it’s by chance. I think it is very much intentional, the people who we meet and the people who we’re connected to. And I think it’s important for us to really try to just really get to know the people who you’re talking to. Don’t just let it be, as you said about a sale or because you’re trying to capitalize on them or you’re trying to steal something from them, but just really have meaningful conversations with people.

Richard agreed and shared that it’s no kind of legacy when you’re done. It’s no kind of legacy to have all of these people buy from you, but none of them will remember you.

Richard was asked when his birthday is, and he shared that it’s the 8th of October. So, it’s weird. It’s like end of an era. I loved being in his twenties. He learned to be a grownup in his thirties. He is really pleased to be arriving at this age. Very, very happy with everything he has around him. He thinks mostly because he kind of built it all himself and designed it himself, he’s very pleased with that. So, he’s excited about the decade ahead, he knows it’s just a number, but you can’t help seeing something of a milestone.

What Richard is Really Excited About Now!

Richard shared that he don’t want to be too promotional, so, he’ll just say that the big flagship product at the moment he’s working on is his LinkedIn program and he’s helping a lot of business owners do some really wonderful things, and it’s so lovely when you have this community of people you work with every week and he knew he wanted to do that because he coaches one on one a lot. And he also has his courses online where people buy them and they watch them and it’s very kind that they do, but he wanted something where it’s a combination of the two. So, group coaching specifically on how to convert and sell in an elegant way through LinkedIn. And it’s just so nice to be there and it’s not just a nice get together, it’s practical to these people. There’s one the other day saying, “I just got two new clients this week.” that’s changing him.

And these people saying that is really making a difference is huge. But one of the other things he has been doing as well, which is completely far removed from what you’d expect is for the past two and a half to three months now, he has been getting up at 5:00 am every morning and doing yoga and then focusing on building his day in a really strong, structured way and getting early nights, exercising loads. And it’s been such a game changer. So, that’s personally, if someone said to him a year ago, he’ll be doing yoga and getting up 5:00 am in the morning, but honestly, it’s really changed. So, rather than going to bed at like 1:00 am, 2:00 am in the morning, getting out of bed at 7:30 am, 8:00 am and feeling tired, he has pulled those 3 hours back, lights out by 11:00 pm, getting up at 5:00 am and the productivity and also the clarity in his mind and is huge.

And he’s really thrilled, he has been doing that. He always thought he was an evening person or a night person, a lot of people feel they are because it’s quiet back then, but shifting to a morning person, and by the way, it’s not DNA, we can all do it. The difference between night and morning is yes, both are quiet, but in the morning you have a full battery of willpower that you can use against any distractions. So, within the first 2 hours every morning, he gets so much done because he has all of that energy to avoid looking at notifications on his phone. So, he doesn’t look at his phone until like 10:00 in the morning and he blasts the work. And it’s lovely because when his girls come down at like 7:50 in the morning for breakfast, he have blasted so much of his day, he urges people to try it out, it’s so fulfilling, you feel really strong with it and present rather than this zombie, who’s like burning the midnight oil. So, yoga is cool, he’s really impressed with himself with what he can do now, it’s nice to get the stretch back and all that kind of things.

Where Can We Find Richard Online

Richard shared listeners can find him at –

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.cn/in/richardjamesmoore/

Website – www.therichardmoore.com

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/the.richard.moore/

Quote or Saying that During Times of Adversity Richard Uses

When asked about a saying or quote then he tends to revert to in times of adversity, Richard shared that there’s one he was told he has to bring up, there is a CEO of the last employed job he had, he was like a self-made millionaire and he really paid attention to him. And for all his faults, he also taught him a lot. And one of the things he always said was, “No one will stop you, but no one will help you.”And what’s interesting about that is, is that, yes, people will support you and stand by you and things like that.

But you can’t rely, it sounds really negative but if you look at it in the right way, it’s almost like a call for you to not rely on people to do things for you, be the responsible person. No one will stop you doing that and you are in control of the influence over whatever outcome you really want.

He will add to that his own kind of quote that he used to say to himself, especially when things were really hard, he still uses it now but he really uses it whenever there’s something new or difficult or challenging. And he’d simply say, “I can handle this.” And it would ground him and would make him think to previous instances of doing something similar and allow him to say to myself, remember how I did this before, I can handle this. And if you look back, no matter how old you are, look back at all the things you’ve done, there’s almost nothing you weren’t able to overcome, you did so much hard stuff.

So now, there’s not really anything he can’t handle. It might be ugly, but the truth is, he knows he can do it so he can handle this, is something of an affirmation that you should be saying, especially in those harder moments, and say it with conviction, you tend to believe it. And that’s that voice, your own voice, the most persuasive voice you know on your shoulder, cheering you on. It’s really valuable.

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