About Yanique

Hi, I am Yanique Grant
Welcome to my page, it is my pleasure to share with you who I am and what I am about! I am a Jamaican Girl with a passion for Customer Service. When I left high school, like so many other people, I did not really know what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. My degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management was a humbling experience. I was lucky enough to work with Air Jamaica during my Bachelor’s Degree as a Flight Attendant! These years were the foundation of my hospitality, service orientation and genuine appreciation for treating others with care and concern. In my role as a mother, sister, friend, leader and business owner – my motto and aim in life is to “Create a More Caring World!”
I started this business with an aim to help companies and employees create amazing experiences and one of my greatest pet peeves was poor service! So I set out on a journey to educate, enlighten, inspire and motivate all of the people who crossed my path. Along my journey I have met some amazing people from all over the world Africa, Europe and North America; one main characteristic that we all have in common across the globe is that we are all human beings with feelings and emotions! Therefore, customer experience is a must because it is simply how you make people feel after interacting with them.
I love inspiring and engaging people so they can truly reach their greatest potential as employees, leaders, wives, husbands, mothers and fathers. We all have to play our role in making our lives be the best that we want it to be but remember along the way – you must aim to lift people up and see the best in them and help them to be best they can be! So I started a Podcast in May 2016 entitled “Navigating the Customer Experience” available for listening right here on our website, on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and You Tube. Please head on over to Facebook if you want to be part of our ongoing conversations on Customer Experience, Business Development, Employee Engagement and Customer Retention.
“People won’t show you how much they care, until you show them how much YOU CARE.” Blessings in Abundance!!!
Podcast Guests
Happy Customers
Years of Experience
Employees Trained
Why Work With Yanique?
I will work with you and your team to strategize and implement awesomely authentic experiences that will differentiate you from your competition.
Core Values
Accountability, Respect, Integrity, Quality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.