Episode 012: Leadership: Creating a Culture of Support with Suzy Prudden

Suzy Prudden is a prize-winning International speaker, seminar leader and best-selling author. She’s won numerous awards for business and speaking, and has appeared as a guest expert on over 1,000 radio and television shows including Oprah, The Today Show and Good Morning America.

With her publishing company, Suzy say they pride themselves on customer service. She tells us it should be your number one priority.

“It’s the only thing that going to make your business work. If you don’t have good customer service, you might as well seriously not be in business.”

Suzy Prudden says her employees need to leave their personal problems behind and not bring it into the office. She wants her employees to change their mindsets upon arriving at work. An example she gives is about a mother with a sick child at home.

“I would say go home and be with your kid, and I would not dock their pay for that either. You have to create a culture of support. If you have a culture of support in your company, then the people who work in the company will want to support the company.”

In order to sustain a culture of service in your business, Suzy Prudden gives the advice of simply paying attention.

“You have to pay attention to your customer, you have to pay attention to the people that work with you and most importantly you have to stay on top of everything!”

She notes that if you fail faster, you’ll also learn more quickly as a result. When you fail, you learn, and when you learn you get better. Failures give the opportunity to know what isn’t working and what needs to be fixed.

“I like to teach people how to make money and I can do that through Itty Bitty Publishing.”

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